Mission: Electronic Component Enhancements
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Cyrene
Mission Chain:Repeatable (Cyrene)
Objective:Acquire 5 Kaisenite Ingots to donate
Reward:6 Cyrene Mission Token
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Requisitions Officer Smith
Nearest City:Tans'Ta'Oh
Added:Planet Cyrene 2012.1


Requisition Officer Smith needs 5 Kaisenite Ingots to strengthen the satellite circuit boards.


  • Acquire 5 Kaisenite Ingot to donate



Requisitions Officer (127618 85171)

Hello prospector,

I'm looking for Ingot donations from the local miners to enhance the satellite circuit boards.


  • I'm actually not a prospector, thanks....
  • Oh? What is it exactly that you need?

If you choose 'Oh? What is it exactly that you need?':

I'm glad you askied, I need the Ingots to use for enhancer materials, specifically Kaisenite Ingots.

Our satellite camo is weakened during abnormal solar activity.


  • Thanks for the information, but I can't afford to help.
  • This base does need help, what can I do?

If you choose 'This base does need help, what can I do?':

I need you to get 5 Kaisenite Ingot and hand them over to me.

They will be used to enhance the satellites, and I will reward you with an Imperium Token.
  • Sounds good.

On return with 5 ingots:

Do you have the ingots?


  • Yes
  • No

If you choose 'Yes' and trade ingots:

This is a good start, I'm sure I'll need more, but have to give everyone a chance to help.

You can check back with me in 24 hours if you can spare more ingots.
  • Thank you.

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