Armor Sets
Available armors. You can test the performance and decay of the armors in the Creature Maturity Levels chart. For more information about armor and plate decay, see Armor Decay. Showing 13 of 56 items.
Damage: Durability: Decay: PEC
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General InformationProtectionEconomySourcePersonal effect
NameWeightStbCutImpPenShrBrnCldAcdElcCloseFirearmsTotalDurabilitySet TTMar. (M)Mar. (F)SourceFound onPersonal Effects
DSEC Scout 33310200093121800   MissionMonria 
Ethereal Armor14.124303034154277784911965500800.0  WebshopEntropia Universe 
Harrier Assault10.122020100043760012.0  Starter PackEntropia Universe 
Harrier Assault, Adjusted10.122220100063960012.0  Starter PackEntropia Universe7 parts: 8% Acceleration
Harrier Scout10.11111010003256006.0  Starter PackEntropia Universe 
 Malgar 676222221196301400   Looted, RewardMonria 
 Malgar (L)15.26762222211963011400120.0  LootedMonria 
 Oberon 7767775862021601800   Looted, RewardMonria 
 Oberon (L)13.777677758620216011800240.0  LootedMonria 
 Pinthas 33433111111111017602400   Looted, RewardMonria 
 Pinthas (L) 334331111111110176012400   LootedMonria 
Shade 1919196665555718902500   Looted, RewardMonria 
Shade (L)15.219191966655557189012500360.0  LootedMonria 

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