Medical Tool: Special Issue Medkit (L)
Specifications                  [Edit]
Weight:4 kg
Heal:13.8 HP
Effective Heal:12.08 HP
Uses:33 /Min
Reload:1.82 sec
Heal/second:6.64 HP
Maximal TT:1 PED
Minimal TT:0.03 PED
Found on:Entropia Universe

This medkit cna be used to replenish the health points of yourself or others.


Equip and operate the medkit to heal yourself. To heal someone else, simply face them at a short distance and operate the medkit.


Equip the medkit by by right-clicking it in your inventory while in Cursor Mode, and select "Equip" from the context menu.


Operate the medkit by left-clicking in Aim Mode, or, if in Cursor Mode, by right-clicking, and then left-clicking "Use tool" in the context menu.


Aim/Cursor mode is toggled by pressing the left alt key.


This item is non-tradeable and non-sellable.

This healing tool was obtained from a special Paysafecard promotion in 2013.

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