Mission: Help Andy Save His Team
Specifications                  [Edit]
Objective:Kill 5 Shoggoths
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Andy Greenfield
Nearest City:Monria Hub
Required Mission:Craft on Monria
Note: This mission is entitled Help Andy save his team

Mission: Help Andy save his team

Mission Broker

Andy Greenfield


Help Andy save his team

Kill Shoggoths to provide a distraction for the DSEC miners to escape.


  • Kill 5 Shoggoths

  • Return to Andy Greenfield


Andy Greenfield

We've recieved some urgent reports from some of our
surveyors in Cave 1.

We need you to get down there and kill some
Shoggoths to attract their attention while our
miners make their escape.

  • Heading there straight away.

Thanks for your help down there. you saved those
miner's hides. Don't worry about the power
supply, I had to make my own in the meantime.

Dan Frances has heard of your proficiency in your
encounters with the Shoggoth and has asked to
speak with you.

  • I will speak with him.

Mission Control

Attempt to craft a Monrian Power System using
the blueprint and materials Andy has given to you.
You may not actually be successful, but the mission
is updated as soon as you make an attempt.


Mission - DSEC has an eye on you

Mission Chain

  1. Welcome to Monria

  2. Welcome to Monria

  3. The Monria Arrival

  4. The Monria Arrival update

  5. Mining on Monria

  6. Deliver the ore to Chuck

  7. Investigate cultist activity

  8. Find the Weapons Depot

  9. Disrupt the ritual

  10. Find the equipment

  11. Craft on Monria

  12. You are here: Help Andy save his team

  13. DSEC has an eye on you

  14. Get the ooze

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