Note: This mission is entitled DSEC has an eye on you
{| style="margin-top: -42px; margin-bottom: 4px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="50%" |- |id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_PageContents_PageTitle" class="PageSubject"|Mission: DSEC has an eye on you |} Mission Broker Andy Greenfield
DescriptionDSEC has an eye on you
Find Dan Frances
Objectives DialogueDan Frances Hello, DSEC has heard good things about your efforts here on Monria. We've been doing everything we can to keep this operation running smoothly and you've been of great assistance with recent events. We've been conducting some experiments with Shoggoth and the Yog as both appear to function as biological machines operating under the control of the beings that Kaminsky has dubbed "Cultists". (Ok.) We'd like to learn more about each of them but for now you seem to be best suited to help us with our studies on the Shoggoth. Iverson has been working with Jeff Swanson and can give you more details on what we need. (I'll find out what he needs.) Mission Control Find Dan Frances, not difficult. He sends you to Chuck Iverson.
Reward Mission - Get the Ooze (after speaking to Dan Frances, then Chuck Iverson).
Mission Chain
- Welcome to Monria
- Welcome to Monria
- The Monria Arrival
- The Monria Arrival update
- Mining on Monria
- Deliver the ore to Chuck
- Investigate cultist activity
- Find the Weapons Depot
- Disrupt the ritual
- Find the equipment
- Craft on Monria
- Help Andy save his team
- You are here: DSEC has an eye on you]
- Get the ooze