Mission: DSEC: Become a Local Crafter
Specifications                  [Edit]
Objective:Successfully craft Monria item
Reward:Engineering 4 pec
Reward Skills:Engineering
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Tobie
Nearest City:Monria Hub
Required Mission:DSEC: Discover a Monrian Blueprint

Looks like you're interested in my offer after all. At the moment, I don't have much to share but knowledge but if you can prove to me you're capable of crafting I'll give you some training to get you started.


You colonist are making a real difference here. This installation would have collapsed already without the efforts of your peers. The luxury living quaters, desingned by colonist Ulla Jamira Braun.

Promotional content for recruitment by Mabella MaHh Drone and also one by Hypnotica Trance Blain. There are also spectacular images captured by some of the trailblazing colonist displayed in the lounge.


We need to keep up this momentum of growth! Craft me an item here on Monria and we'll talk more about how you can help DESEC.

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