Mission: Assisting Mahone I
Specifications                  [Edit]
Mission Chain:Assisting Mahone
Objective:Earn 3200 credits by killing City Wolves
Reward:Aim (0.9 PED) or Weapons Handling (0.9 PED) or Melee Combat(0.29 PED)
Reward Skills:Aim
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Officer Mahone
Nearest City:New Harlem
Mission Locations

Lon: 135364

Lat: 87594


Young = 2 Credits

Mature = 4 Credits

Old = 7 Credits

Provider = 11 Credits

Guardian = 13 Credits

Dominant = 16 Credits

Alpha = 20 Credits

Old Alpha = 25 Credits

Prowler = 28 Credits

Stalker = 34 Credits

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Mission Locations

ContinentLonLatTypeNameDensityLand Area
Rocktropia13542587645Mission Location Assisting Mahone I 

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