Mission: Welcome to Crystal Peak
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Planet:Next Island
Objective:Find Arthur
Mission Broker
Nearest City:Crystal Peak Teleport




Talk to Arthur to find out what happened, where you are, and where you should go next.



  • Find Arthur
  • Find 2922-Fyodor





Arthur (Crystal Arrival - 136226, 84241)

Hello! So nice to see a friendly face here!  You must be a Second Waver too!  It;s so nice to see that you made it here!  Transdimensional physics have a tendency to muddle things up.

But look at me rambling!  Where are my manners?!  I'm Arthur, and I'm very happy to meet you.


  • Pleased to meet you.  I'm <Avatar Name>.
  • Where am I?



If you choose 'Pleased to meet you...':

Good, good.  Say, have you seen anyone from the First Wave?  I havent seen them in a while.

  • First... wave?

Are you okay? You look a little... you know, disoriented.  That's okay.  It's a natural side=effect of dimensional displacement, or so they say.

Do you need any help?

  • No, I'm fine.  Where am I?

You're at Crystal Resort, the future of the future!  Well, it will be, in the future.  It's not completed yet.  And there's not that many people here, just me, some Second Wavers, a few robots sent here to build the basic infrastructure, and a strange girl not from Elysium.

If you're ok, I suggest you talk to Fyodor.  He's like, the robots' leader.  Unless you need help?


  • Okay, I will find this Fyodor.
  • Yes, please, I'd like some help.



If you choose 'Yes, please, I'd like some help.':

How can I help you?


  • Where's my stuff?
  • Where am I?
  • Is it dangerous?
  • How do I pay for things?
  • Thanks, I'm done.  I'm off to see Fyodor.



If you choose 'Okay, I will find this Fyodor.'

Okay, I've marked Fyodor's location on your map and radar.  If you look at the map you should see him as an orange dot.  If you dont see the orange dot, openthe mission log (use the button at the top of the screen), select the mission 'Arrival, and click Track.

  • Thanks



Note: Make sure 'Welcome to the planet' is completed at paradise landing from the first npc you see. Then to make sure it unlocks follow the path from paraside landing down the televator. There will be a set of stairs with a sign post at the end of the path on the beach, climb those and cross the bridge. once across, there will be another set of stairs after climbing this set it should unlock 'find Arthur' which leads to Arthurs Secret Crush. 


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