Mission: Meeting the Gods
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Planet:Ancient Greece
Objective:Present yourself to the Amazon guards.
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Sophia, Amazon Guard


Present yourself to the Amazon guards.


  • Leave the cave (36017, 19902)
  • Go to the city (36027, 20173)
  • Talk to the guard
  • Find the Forum (36214, 20275)
  • Talk to Captain Penthesilea (36259, 20524)
  • Talk to the Archon (36311, 20685)


Note: Mission is received on first arrival in Ancient Greece

Sophia, Amazon Guard:
Halt! Who tries to enter the city of Thebes?!
  • Eh, nobody. Nobody important.
  • <Full Avatar Name>
If you choose 'Eh, nobody. Nobody important.':
Wanderer, you are a stranger and unknown to me! Step forward towards me and state your name and your kin.

If you choose '<Full Avatar Name>':
Wanderer, I know not your name, and your kin is unheard of. let me see if your face is as strange as your name!

  • (Walk forward towards the guard)
I know not your face. What matter, oh wanderer, brings you this far to Creon's realm and city of Thebes?
  • I'm from Elysium, looking for other people from the project.
Your words are strange. Say you that you have traveled from the fields of the dead to the world of the living?
  • No, I'm very much alive. I just want to find my colleagues.
  • I found my way here through a cave.

If you choose "No, I'm very much alive...":
By what name are your colleagues known and where may we find them?
  • I only know that some of them went here, but I don't know who or exactly where.
It seems to me that your tale is that of a drunkard. Perhaps your fate is best decided by Penthesilea, the Captain of the Amazon guard of Thebes.

Or if you choose "I found my way here through a cave.":
Not many escapes the embrace of the lady Persephone. I hear a story: tell me the price that you paid.
  • It cost me three crystals.
That is not the price for the ferryman's crossing. Your tale is the strangest I've heard since that of the archon. Perhaps your fate is best decided by Penthesilea, the Captain of the Amazon guard of Thebes.
  • And where can I find this captain?
The captain will be at her post at the gate to the palace. Follow this pier to the market, and then turn left; then ascend the ramp to the palace's gate.
  • Okay, I will.

Penthesilea, Captain of the Amazon Guard:
Are you the stranger that came through the gates to the Underworld?
  • Uh, I guess so. I got here through a cave.
  • No, I have not returned from the dead. I'm just from very very very far away.

If you choose "Uh, I guess so...":
Strange are the days when the dead walk in the daylight...
  • I'm not dead! Why does everyone believe I am dead?
  • Try traveling through time some day.

If you choose 'I'm not dead!...':
Then why do you say that you come from the field of Elysion? Is it not home to heroic and virtuos dead?
  • I come from Elysium, a place dedicated to building a better future. It just happens to sound like your Elysion or whatever.

If you choose 'Try traveling through time some day':
Your words ring strange; perhaps you speak the truth. I think it is best for the Archon to rule in this matter. Enter and find him in the hall to the right. Creon the Archon will pass judgment on you.
  • The hall to the right. I got it.

Creon, Archon of Thebes:
What is this? A stranger? And the Amazon guard has sent you to me? They wouldn't send you to me if it was a trivial matter, so why are you here?
  • I'm looking for other people from Elysium.
Elysium? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time indeed.
  • Do you know it?
  • Please don't go "are you dead" on me.

If you choose "Do you know it?":
Of course I know it! I'm from there too!

If you choose 'Please don't go "are you dead" on me.':
Heh. No, they say "elysion" here, not "elysium". "Elysium" is the latinization of the Greek word - although the Latin language doesn't exist yet, not in the form we're used to anyway.
  • How do you know that?
Isn't it obvious? I'm from Elysium too, as you are.

  • You are? How did you end up here?
''I have no idea. I only have a basic knowledge of temporal physics. I was one of the First Wave to be sent to Next Island, but I think that something went wrong at the transmission point, possibly sabotage, possibly just an error, that scrambles the destination point. And based on the strange creatures here, and other anachronisms, I think that this is an alternate timeline, not the historical Greece.
So how did you end up here?''
  • When I arrived to Next Island, I helped the robots to set up a tracking network in order to find other Elysians, and it pointed to here.
Have you found any others?
  • Not yet. You are the first. So, shall we go?
Go where?
  • To Next Island, of course.
''Hah! No. I'm staying here.
I am the archon of this city, and I'm responsible for its welfare. There are other matters as well; I have my family here. I have settled here and for better or worse, Thebes is my home.''
  • But what about the Elysium project?
''If possible, I will support it, but I will support it from here, not from Next Island.
In fact, I have some idea of how it may be done.
But rest first and freshen up a bit. And you could talk to the guards and tell them that you're my guest. Then come back to me and we'll discuss what to do about the Elysium project!''
  • I will.

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