Mission: Getting Battle Ready
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Planet:Planet Cyrene
Mission Chain:Cyrene New Arrival
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Drill Instructor
Required Mission:In The Shadows
Added:Planet Cyrene 2012.1


The Drill Instructor would like you to pick up a weapon and some ammo from the Trade Terminal and then return to begin your test.

  • To the trade terminal! (Note: stand ON blue arrow before opening terminal)
  • Buy an S.I Scorpion (Note: mission doesnt update as soon as you buy the gun. Just move away from the TT and it updates then.
  • Back to the Drill Instructor

Mission Chain


Drill Instructor (129231, 82574)
Greetings, how can I be of assistance?
  • I was told you could teach me how to fight the Scout Bots.
  • Sorry, I don't think I am ready yet.

If you choose 'I was told you could teach me how to fight the Scout Bots.':
Indeed, but not just Scout Bots. The wilds of Cyrene are teaming with dangers.
  • Dangers? What kind of dangers?
  • How do I fight the bots?

If you choose 'Dangers? What kind of dangers?':
Best way to do this is to get into the thick of it. Go to the trade terminal and pick up a S.I Scorpion and some Weapon Cells. After that, come back and I will let you fight one of these old Scout Bots that we have fixed up for training purposes.
  • Awesome!

After buying SI Scorpion from TT:
Welcome back private, are you ready?
  • Yes, is there anything I should know?
Alright I am going to get the Scout Bot ready. Use youre SI Scorpion and shoot until it goes down. If things get rough, take it over there to the Defence Turret and it will kill it for you. If you fail, you will have to do this all over again.
  • Defence Turret?
  • Is this going to be dangerous?

If you choose 'Defence Turret?':
Yes, the perimeter Defence Turret will guard the camp from anything that is not registered as friendly. It releases a pulse that instantly kills anything not in the registered database.<'blockquote>
  • Ok.

If you choose 'Is this going to be dangerous?':
Not going to sugar-coat this, yes. I have set up a mild electrical attack on the bot. If you dont kill this bucket of rust it will kill you. No worries Private, we will have the doc clone you back up in no time tho.
  • Re-cloned?
  • Ok, I am ready!

If you choose 'Re-cloned?':
That's right Private, we initially re-cloned you from the DNA provided to us by the Turrelions, but we were missing the Mind file meaning you lacked any skills and memory. Lucky for you we will keep a current one with us for any re-clone in the future.
  • Ok.

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