Mission: Monitor Genesis Star activities
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:For discreet applicants only
Objective:Place tracers around Cyclops
Reward:500 Nova Fragments
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Mr Lyndon
Nearest City:Osere
Required Mission:For discreet applicants only
Mission Locations


Monitor Genesis Star activities

Monitor the activities of Genesis Star near Cyclops volcano.


  • Place tracers around Cyclops volcano
    1. Place First Tracer (75446,69685)
    2. Place Second Tracer (76289,69490)
    3. Place Third Tracer (76128,69999)
    4. Place Fourth Tracer (76463,70600)
    5. Place Fifth Tracer (77854,71203)
    6. Place Sixth Tracer (75553,68061)
    7. Place Seventh Tracer (75246,68593)
  • Report to Mr Lyndon in Osere

Quest/Mission Items

  • Tracer



Mission Chain



Mr Lyndon, Osere

My employer is trying to figure out exactly what Genesis Star is up to, and the homing device you placed on the sensor is very helpful.  We need to know what man-power they have in the area around the Cyclops volcan and what resources they have.


What I would like you to do is to take these sensors here, and then place them at key locations.  You can drop them on the ground as you run through the target areas.


Then report back to me.


  • Okay, I'll do it.
  • No, it will take too much of my precious time.



On returning to Mr Lyndon:

1. If you did NOT report to Mr Book at East Scylla"

There you are. I hope that you have returned with good news?

  • Yes, here is the data

Thank you.This information will be very useful.

Very useful indeed.


  • Thanks. I'll be off then.
  • Is there anything else I can do for you?



2. If you went to Mr Book, and confessed all:

Everything went well, I hope. No entanglements with Genesis Star ?

  • No, Here's the data from the sensors.

Thank you.  This, no doubt, very accurate information will be useful to us.  I'm sorry to say that I cannot offer you a reward right now, but I have one last mission that would fit you perfectly, and you don't want to miss the reward for it.


  • Are you ripping me off? No reward??! Forget it!
  • Tell me about the mission.


If you choose 'Tell me about the mission', the 'Monitor Genesis Star activities' mission ends, and the 'Investigate Contents of a Crate' mission starts.

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