Mission: Vault Hunter
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Vault Hunter
Type:Dialog only
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Brendan Smith
Nearest City:Fort Troy
Required Mission:Road to Camp Carter
Added:Planet Calypso 2013.2


Help the scientists open the mysterious door so that their trapped colleagues can be rescued.


Brendan Smith
Hm. The other guys he sent either found nothing or got themselves lost in the jungle. Hopefully you'll do better.
  • Do better at what?
Long story. We are the Imperial scientists, here at the behest of the CDF.

Not long ago, the CDF detected strange electromagnetic activity here over East Scylla mountains. They initially suspected robots, but when none could be found, well, exepct for the standard eviscerators, they tasked us with finding the source of the anomalies.
  • So? What did you find?
Something far more disturbing than robots. Out excavations have uncovered structures created by sentient beings, with never before seen technology. We have no idea how they work or what they're for. Who knows, robots might have made them, but right now mutants are the prime suspect.

We have failed to open the door. Now some of our colleaguesa are trapped behind it.
  • How could they get trapped if you couldn't open the door?
Well... WE didn't open it. Something else did.

In the night, that... something... emerged from the door and dragged some of our colleagues back with it.

We need you to help us open that door, so that the trapped scientists can be freed.
  • Okay.. And how am I supposed to do that?
Investigate the structures we found. Perhaps the knowledge we gain about this technology will help us get the door open... or better yet, they may even provide clues on how to open the door.

There are some mysterious pillars in the crater volcano to the north. They contain different markings. Because of the robot presence in the crater, we have not been able to get close enough to scan those markings. If you could just get a scan of them for us...
  • I can try, but no promises
  • No way, that is way too dangerous!

If you choose 'I can try...':
Thanks, glad to see someone willing to do some dirty work around here. First you need to go talk to Jones, who is at Outpost Two in the volcano crater. The thing is... the electromagnetic anomalies are interfering with our navigation ssytems. I can't add Jones' location to your satnav. You will have to follow my directions. I will add them to your mission log.

Follow the road from Camp Carter into the volcano. Walk due north to the other side of the volcano and climb the stairs. Turn right and climb the second set of stairs. Keep climbing up the ledge until you find Outpost Two and Jones.
  • Alright, see you later
  • No way, that is far too dangerous!

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