Version Update: 7.7
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Planet:Entropia Universe
News:Critical hits, Ancient items, Furniture & Storage box manufacturing, New TT Items
Content list





Furniture manufacturing

A new area of manufacturing has been added – furniture making.

Storage manufacturing

Avatars can manufacture various kinds of storage boxes.

New skills added

New skills used when manufacturing boxes and furniture have been added.

Ancient items

Old "Pre-Gold" items in existence in the Project Entropia universe at the time of version update has been permanently changed into "Ancient" items, meaning they can be used and repaired and still keep their stats.

Attachments update

All old bugged "non-decaying" attachments fixed.

Trade Terminals restocked

The weapon supply in the Trade Terminal replaced with newer and better counterparts.

Critical hits

Added the chance of scoring critical hits in Project Entropia. Both avatars and creatures have the ability and it is based on skill levels. Critical hits can result in increased damage or armor penetration (the armor does not absorb any part of the damage received).

Changes to armor system

The armor durability system updated. Now, only one durability value is shown for all kinds of damage. The armors TT value does not influence its decay rate when hit. The higher the Durability stat is, the more abuse your armor can withstand. Armor condition influences the amount of protection offered. A critical hit which penetrates your armor means your armor does not reduce the damage done in the attack at all. It will still decay though. The amount of decay is based on attack type and the amount of damage dealt. Decay only occurs when an armor can protect for the kind of damage – if a creature deals acid damage onto a armor that doesn't protect against acid, no decay is rendered.

Future advertising system trial

You may have seen the large Hall of Fame entries recently. These have in no way changed the number or the value of lower end loots. A new system is in development, which will enable us to distribute revenues generated by ingame advertising to the colonists of Calypso. To make things interesting this revenue will generate higher level HoF-entries such as the ones seen lately. Ingame advertising will be introduced within a few VU's and the testing of the addon looting system is ongoing in Project Entropia and will remain in place until the advertising system is fully operational. Anyone who wish will have the opportunity to disable the advertising feature, this action will result in the colonist receives normal loot levels as before.

Updates to auction

The auction shows more information, as more columns has been added to the main view, including buyout price, differences between TT and current bid, etc. There is also more information available as tooltips if you hold the mouse cursor over a section or headline in the interface.

Added The Entropian to the auction

The official Project Entropia real life magazine is added to the Project Entropia auction, both as a single issue as well as a subscription choice.

New Water look

The visual style of the water in the seas, oceans and rivers is updated.

Furnishing hallways update

In some house types it were impossible to place furniture in the hallway, this is now rectified.

Robot space ship updates

More kinds of robot ships have been spotted.

Added feedback bars when dropping

When dropping an item more feedback is presented.

Quickbar Actions added

New Action icons added, to interact with the Message center and Tutorial messages.

Quickbar help enhanced

Added more information about how the Quickbar works, in the Help section of the Quickbar.

Port Atlantis upgraded

Port Atlantis has received an extensive face-lift.

New music

Plenty of new music added for various areas and situations.

Added feedback in Map interface

Added more feedback in the map section, with more detailed text and pictures.

Added more stats to items

Some items have more stats presented when looking at them in Items Info, most noticeable is the Attacks per minute stat on weapons.

Creatures has been to boot camp

The Calypso creatures have been to boot camp, meaning they now show more variance to hit probability and the amount of damage they inflict.

New client options

New Client Loader options added to the client to allow for a wider range of PC configurations.

New creatures

Scientists say new life forms have been detected on Calypso.

Focus charges protects while sweating

A Mindforce Focus now protects while sweating.

Anti-Toxic shot

An applied Anti-Toxic shot is only removed if another avatar in a contaminated area kills you.

Learning bonus

Made the feedback in the items info more detailed in regards to the Learning bonus system.

Tutorial system upgrades

More areas added to the tutorial system.

Friends list

The maximum number of Friends on the Friends list is increased, from 40 to 80.

Land Area info

A land owner may set a custom welcome message to a land area, which is shown to everyone who enters it.

Fixed bugged items

Fixed a bugged melee weapon – the whips minimum damage is adjusted to the correct level.

General items added

A number of other items added to expand the range of items in Project Entropia.



You can’t repair an item with attachments attached to it. You have to detach them prior to repairing.

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